The fascination for photography infected the native Ukrainian at a young age. The love for black and white photography and the development in her own laboratory were put in her cradle in a manner of speaking. After years as an engineer in the textile industry, Nadja Gusenbauer took the examination for the degree of Master in Photography in Austria found her vocation in photography. She manages the LIK Academy for Photo and Design in Vienna since 2011.
Principal Ing. Nadja Gusenbauer
The English Classes are guided by Dina Lee. I’m Dina Lee, a portrait photographer, originally a Koryo-saram, born in Uzbekistan and currently based in Vienna, Austria. I’ve lived in 4 different countries where I had the chance to experience various cultures and lifestyles. I hold an MA in Intercultural Communication from the University of Verona (Italy) and a Photography Diploma from the Lik Akademie für Foto und Design (Vienna, Austria). In 2013 I discovered Sue Bryce’s workshops and was immensely inspired by her approach to the art and the business of portrait photography. A year later I opened my very own portrait studio in Vienna specializing in personal branding portraits. Alongside studio work I’ve been working on several personal projects aiming to explore cultural identity and personal legacy through portraiture. My artworks have been presented internationally, among others at the biennale Photokina Köln and at the Sotheby’s Institute of Art in New York
Dina Lee
The LIK Academy for Photography and Design offers comprehensive training in media design, photography, film, image editing, photo design, graphics and social media management, online marketing, digitalisation and media design. The part-time LIK Academy DIPLOMME COURSES Digital Photography / Photo Design - Image Editing / Professional Portrait Photography / Filming / Social Media Manager / Media Design each have a duration of two semesters and cover all topics of modern photography and effective photo editing, media design, marketing and film.
All courses can be attended independently of each other, even while working, but can also be completed simultaneously within two years. Our courses are designed for aspiring professional photographers and committed photographers as well as people looking for training in the graphic design sector. Technical knowledge is taught as well as creative visual training. Photographic practice is the focus, as is the teaching of photographic skills. Creativity training and a professional, commercial and artistic approach to photography round off the programme.
The LIK full-time school AUSBILDUNG Fotografie, Film und Mediendesign is a full-time vocational training programme in all areas of the above-mentioned courses with corresponding practical days. This training can be recognised for young people for the duration of their attendance as part of their compulsory education.
La Academia LIK de Fotografía y Diseño ofrece una formación completa en diseño de medios, fotografía, cine, edición de imágenes, diseño fotográfico, gestión de gráficos y medios sociales, marketing online, digitalización y diseño de medios. Los CURSOS DIPLOMADOS de la Academia LIK a tiempo parcial Fotografía digital / Diseño fotográfico - Edición de imágenes / Fotografía profesional de retratos / Filmación / Gestión de medios sociales / Diseño de medios tienen una duración de dos semestres cada uno y abarcan todos los temas de la fotografía moderna y la edición fotográfica eficaz, el diseño de medios, el marketing y el cine.
Todos los cursos pueden cursarse independientemente unos de otros, incluso mientras se trabaja, pero también pueden completarse simultáneamente en un plazo de dos años. Nuestros cursos están diseñados para aspirantes a fotógrafos profesionales y fotógrafos comprometidos, así como para personas que buscan formación en el sector del diseño gráfico. Se imparten tanto conocimientos técnicos como formación visual creativa. La práctica fotográfica es el centro de atención, así como la enseñanza de habilidades fotográficas. La formación en creatividad y un enfoque profesional, comercial y artístico de la fotografía completan el programa.
La escuela a tiempo completo LIK AUSBILDUNG Fotografie, Film und Mediendesign es un programa de formación profesional a tiempo completo en todas las áreas de los cursos mencionados, con las correspondientes jornadas prácticas. Esta formación puede reconocerse a los jóvenes durante el tiempo que dure su asistencia como parte de su educación